Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck fuckity fuckerstein!!!

These were my thoughts on my very first day of work at a picture framing shop in the "big city." Let's call it "Frames Unlimited." And the fuck soliloquy was for good reason. I had just dropped a huge piece of broken glass straight down into the top of my leather 'Mary Jane' shoe. The glass sported a fantastical curve and a wicked point. It lodged nicely in betwixt the bones of the top of my foot and hummed gently as it settled into the meat.


This shit hurt. Happy glass winked at me in the light. The self-mutilating Goth kid in my sick head celebrated the nice play of blood and lymph on the glass. The pimply woman in me wearing a wrinkled button-down shirt and "nice" jeans trying desperately to look like a grown up wanted to cry. But it wasn't the pain that brought on the Fuckery. I slowly pulled the piece of glass out of the fresh, new gash in my foot. The wound looked like a small, tender vagina. I may have said "awwww!" (It was awfully cute.) But then, in the treacherous manner of vaginas everywhere, it filled with blood. And more blood. And then more. It wouldn't fucking STOP.

Cut ahead to me, 10 minutes later, feigning wet fart sounds to justify my prolonged presence in the bathroom, trying to stuff enough brown paper towels into my shoe to sop up enough blood to minimize the O.J. Simpson tracks I was leaving in my wake. It was futile. It already looked like a crime scene and was slowly ripening to 'sloppy-joe day at the sanatorium' territory. I couldn't tell the new bosses that I had dropped glass on my foot... they'd figure out that I was a dumbass and fire me. I briefly considered trying to convince them that I had come to work that way, but dismissed the idea as impractical. They'd already seen me give a friend the "high kick high five," an incredible and powerful demonstration of convivial affection that would certainly have revealed the presence of what by now looked like a maxi-pad for the homeless.
Nope... best just be honest, and pretend that it never happened.
So I gather my shreds of calm and confidence about me like the torn prom dress of a monolingual foreign exchange student (no means si, Manuela...) and make my way back out to the work room, executing the classic "un-limp" to cleverly disguise my gimp paw. This naturally results in a sort of exotic, jerky perambulation, not unlike the "Buffet Shuffle" performed by millions of Pension Pimps every Tuesday afternoon at the K&W Cafeteria.
In the down time between impromptu performances of my new walk, I keep an eye out for shreds of maroon-spattered paper towel laying on the floor like the after-party from Mafia Autumn. I like to think I was subtle.
I managed to get in a few good hours of this shit before I noticed that my new 60 year old boss was limping too. He'd been limping all morning. In fact, he had been limping since 1945, when he was diagnosed as a small child with Polio. We had not yet reached the stage of our relationship where he got drunk and puked in my face as I gave him head one night; these were the tremulous, early days.
He looked at me with watery, bulbous blue eyes, not unlike an Aryan pug. With precise, hairless, strangely pink and shiny hands he reached to his right, pulling a little packet out of a drawer. His eyes never left mine for a moment as he tearfully, slowly ripped the packet open and swallowed the contents. Pills. He flung the empty paper packet back onto the work table. My eyes broke from his at last as I read the print on the envelope.

"Fem-First Women's Daily Supplement."

Fuck indeed.

Shit on the side:

Henry VIII scored his first wife when his older brother died shortly after the wedding, having apparently not secured the little woman's cherry. So Henry did the sporting thing and took care of it, causing no end of problems that lasted for decades. Not to be outdone 400 years later, Princess Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes (May) of Teck was due to wed that stalwart sprig of British Royal Hotness, Albert Victor of Wales. Despite NOT being named "John," he died, and just before the wedding at that. What's a mail-order bride to do? Why, marry his brother George (later King George V), of course! So far, so good. Maybe the trick is marrying your dead brother's girlfriend instead of his widow outright.


  1. Towering genius distains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.

  2. You have very pretty handwriting.
